Nominate Honorary Degree Recipients For Future Commencements

By The Honorary Degree Committee | March 3, 2025

Our May 2025 commencement speakers share something in common besides their commitment to social justice. The careers of both Marissa Bluestine and Michele Pistone inspired a member of the Arcadia community so much that that person nominated them for an honorary degree. The committee that reviews nominees and forwards recommendations to President Nair includes Arcadia students, faculty, staff, and alumni. But the contribution of the Arcadia community begins much earlier than that. Every honorary degree recipient was first nominated by an Arcadian.  

The Honorary Degree Committee works at least a year ahead, so we are already deep into the process of sorting through the nominees for May 2026. But we cannot do our best work without you. Do you have someone whose accomplishments you find extraordinary? Can you identify someone whose leadership, commitment, and well-lived life could inspire a graduating class? Is there someone who has distinguished themselves in such a way that honoring them would bring honor to the University? How about nominating the person for an honorary degree?  

The process is pretty simple. Go to the Honorary Degree Nomination Form and tell us everything you know about the person who inspires you. (If you cannot answer a question, skip it. We can fill in the details.) Someday you may get to meet the person you admire on Haber Green.