Recent DPT Graduates Return from International Clinical Experiences
Three recent graduates from Arcadia University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program returned to the United States after concluding clinical experiences abroad.
Tate Dawson ’23DPT and Sarah Pavlovich ’23DPT, along with their mentor Dr. Teresa Gero and clinic director Dr. Brooke Riley, spent six weeks with Friends of the Redeemer United (ForU) in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. Dawson and Pavlovich worked in outpatient and home health contexts and spent the last week and a half of their experience in a Stroke Camp with other PT students from Duke University. This Stroke Camp model focuses on high-intensity and high-volume therapies for select individuals over a week and a half, often resulting in significant clinical gains in this short period.

Joe Cimino ’23DPT spent four weeks in a partnership with Hillside Health Care International in the Toledo District of Belize. Hillside is an interdisciplinary organization that serves the surrounding community in outpatient, home health, and mobile clinic contexts. While in-country, Hillside also provides a comprehensive didactic curriculum including case presentations, a review of various local cultures, and discussions on the community-based rehabilitation model.