The College of Global Studies Expands Programs and Partnerships for Students Interested in Studying Abroad

By John DeRosier | January 27, 2023

Arcadia Abroad’s new programs and partnerships with Augsburg University, Sant’Anna Institute, and Lady Margaret Hall will expand opportunities for Arcadia students by allowing them to encounter learning that matters in social justice in southern Africa, activism in Central America, and more.

The goal of these new programs is to provide multiple entry points for students of all backgrounds, and to expand access to students to study abroad on social justice-focused programs. 

With Augsburg University (CGEE), students will be promoting social justice, social change, and inclusive pedagogies in the following ways:

  • New Activisms, Human Rights, and Social Justice (Costa Rica, Guatemala, & Yucatan): Taking place in three countries, students will spend the semester learning about the history, culture, and struggles of the peoples of Mesoamerica, exploring diverse approaches to sustainability, indigenous and Afro-descendant issues, and social justice issues.
  • Language and Culture in Mexico (Cuernavaca, Mexico): This exciting summer program offers coursework in Spanish language and culture, with a focus on contemporary issues in peace, justice, and human rights.
  • Medical Spanish and Clinical Observership in Mexico (Cuernavaca, Mexico): Future medical professionals can take part in an intensive summer program that not only provides a Spanish-language course designed for healthcare environments, but also includes a Clinical Observership for the practical application of your skills.
  • Migration and Social Change (Cuernavaca, Mexico): These exciting semester programs offer coursework in Intercultural Communication and Media (for fall semester students) or Migration and Transnationality, along with liberal arts options (for fall and spring students).
  • Conflict, Peace, and Transition (Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland): Students spend the semester examining the work of justice, reconciliation, and repair while completing an internship.
  • Decolonizing the Mind: Racial and Environmental Justice (Namibia & South Africa): Deconstruct environmental and racial injustices felt today by spending the semester examining the legacies of apartheid and colonization.

The Sant’Anna Institute, located in Sorrento, Italy on a striking cliffside with sweeping views of the sea, will offer a wide range of academic opportunities, including internships, independent study, and STEM course options in marine biology, volcanology, and geology.

At Lady Margaret Hall, located in Oxford, England, students will choose from an array of stimulating courses taught by distinguished academics, delivered through the world-famous Oxford teaching style.