Doreen E. Loury
Assistant Professor
- (215) 572-4087
- louryd@arcadia.edu
- Website
- Black Male Development Symposium
- Education
Temple University, African American Studies
Dr. Doreen Loury, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director of Pan-African Studies, oversees the Center for Antiracist Scholarship, Advocacy, and Action’s scholarly and administrative efforts and develop initiatives and partnerships to encourage and support faculty and staff research on issues of race, ethnicity, power, and inequity. Some of Dr. Loury’s accomplishments during her 30-year tenure at Arcadia include the development of the University’s first African American Studies curriculum and the minor in Pan African Studies in addition to serving on the University's JEDI Commission, ABRI, and Faculty Senate’s Work and Welfare Committee. She has worked with Arcadia’s Communities of Practice, the LOVE Pilot Program, and ABRI Learning Partners Program; is a Faculty Senate Liaison to ABRI; and is a member of the historical Land Acknowledgement Task Force and the ABRI-AUC Task Force. She has been a faculty advisor to several student organizations (POWER, IMPACT, BAS, and MIA) and is one of the original architects of Arcadia’s Black Alumni Association. Dr. Loury received the 2010 Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, the first African American to receive the award at Arcadia. She also received the University’s Cultural Ally Award for validating the lived experiences of all Arcadia students and was the first African American to serve on the University's Faculty Senate upon its development.
Dr. Loury is Founder/Executive Director of the nationally recognized Black Male Development Symposium, an inter-generational symposium (the only one of its kind for Black Males) that was hosted annually on Arcadia’s campus and offered workshops to over 7,500 students, parents, educators, community leaders, and practitioners in the Tri-State area and beyond. Dr. Loury received her doctorate from the esteemed Department of African American Studies at Temple University and an Advanced Certificate in Culturally Competent Human Services Training from Temple’s Multicultural Training and Research Institute. Dr. Loury was appointed to the National Advisory Council of the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education and Chaired their Chief Diversity Officers & Executive Leadership Committee. She was the first Vice President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Black Women in Higher Education and was recently appointed to The Philadelphia’s Defenders Association Board of Directors. She is the first Vice President of the newly created Delaware Valley Section of the National Council of Negro Women and can now add Commissioner to her accomplishments as a mayoral appointee to the Philadelphia Women’s Commission. Dr. Loury is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and the United States Air Force Reserves and is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, Phi Beta Omega Chapter.
Professional Experience
Honors and Awards:
Received Education Award and honored by the Black Women’s Educational Alliance (BWEA) of Montgomery County as the 2013 Montgomery County Trailblazer.
Global Faculty Development Workshop, Center for U.S, and Hemispheric Studies, University of Havana, Cuba – June, 2012 (Faculty Development Award)
2012 Charles Henry Chapman, given by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s Zeta-Omicron Lambda Chapter, May 2012
Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, Arcadia University, 2010
Cultural Ally Award, Arcadia University, 2009
Outstanding Citizen Award, Presented by the American Legion, Henry Hill Post 385, January 2009
Community Service Award, Presented by the 7th Senatorial District, February 2008
Certificate of Congratulations, 4th Senatorial District, June, 2006
Temple University Pan-African Studies Community Education Program Community Service Award for the Development of the Black Male Development Symposium, March 2005
Invited feature speaker for Black Speakers Online & Speakers Etcetera, March 2005 – Present
Washington Center for Best Practices, Senior Fellow Appointment, October 2004
Curriculum Development Award ($1,000), summer video course Eyes on the Prize, Arcadia University, June 1999
Curriculum Development Award ($1,000), summer video course Dealing with Diversity, Arcadia University, Glenside, Pennsylvania, June 1999
Recipient of the Million Women March Achievement Award, 1997
Faculty Development Fund Grant for Ethnographic Research of African American Single Fathers, Arcadia University (formerly Beaver College), 1995
Recipient, PA Black Conference on Higher Education Regional Award for Outstanding Service, Commitment and Dedication to Eastern Region, 1994
Recipient, Gold Star Wives and Mothers Honoree, Viet Nam Women’s Memorial Project, Washington, DC, 1989
Papers & Presentations:
Town Hall Discussion hosted by the Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, “Hands Up! Don’t Shoot! – A Town Hall Discussion on Crime, Community and Camaraderie." September, 2014
Going Beyond the Tower, Real work, Real Partnership, Real Collaboration; 2nd Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference, October 2014
Women’s Veteran Forum, “She Wore her Boots With Pride”, Temple University, Panel presentation, The Transition Blues, April 2012
Featured speaker on Fox 29 Race in America Segments; November 2010 & March 2012
College Board A Dream Deferred: The Future of African American Education, April, 2011
REACH Black Leadership Summit, Keynote panel speaker, Engaged Black Leadership in 2012: Organization and Empowerment, Temple University, January, 2012
Teaching Social Workers the Art of Active Listening, SCOH Symposium, January 2007, Temple University.
The Legacy of Black fatherhood, Celebrating Black Fathers Conference, November 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
The Changing Faces of Leadership and the Quest for Excellence, The State of Black Men in America Conference, March 2006, Princeton University.
Black College Students versus Culturally Diverse Students: Afrocentric and Multicultural Perspectives, Cheik Anta Diop Conference, October 2006, Philadelphia, PA.
Hip-Hop as a political and cultural tool of Black liberation, The Thurgood Marshall Speaker Series, Freedom Theater, & WURD Radio, November, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.
Racism and Katrina, WHAT Radio, Philadelphia, PA., December 2005
Social Consciousness and Teaching Toward Action, Congresso of Philadelphia, PA, May 2005
The “Scaffolding” Method of Evaluation: How to move the building/ organization—not just the program, Presentation for Pennsylvania Centers for Schools and Communities, Statewide 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Director’s Training, Harrisburg, PA, April 2005
Endangered or Lost: African American Males in Today’s Society, Urban Cable Television Network, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005
One Size Does Not Fit All, Director’s Panel, Tri-State Consortium Opportunity Programs Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005
Words of Mass Destruction (WMD): African American Males and Rap, WDAS Radio, Philadelphia, March 2005
The Rebirth of the African American Intellectual, WURD Radio, Philadelphia, PA, February 2005
African American Males and Testing, WHAT, Radio, Philadelphia, PA, January 2005
Connecting the Dots of Evaluation and Planning, Presentation for Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center & US Department of Labor Employment & Training High-Growth Job Training Initiative, Philadelphia, PA, October 2004
Scary Children, WYBE Television, Philadelphia, PA, September 2004
Race and Education in America, Guest panelist Worlds Apart television program, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, August 2004
Graduate Career Seminar, Keynote Speaker, Peirce College, Philadelphia, PA, May 2004
Creating an Environment for Academic Success: Learning Differences & Campus Diversity, Keynote Panelist, Pennsylvania/New Jersey College Reading and Learning Association, Burlington, NJ, April 2004
Connecting the Dots of Higher Education for Families of the New Millennium, Keynote Speaker Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Human Relations Conference, Cabrini College, Radnor, PA, April 2004
How to Raise Psychologically Healthy African American Children in a Racist Society, WYBE, Philadelphia, PA, February 2004
Developed Young Sistas Talking About Health and Stress Conference for Eli Lilly and Keystone Mercy’s Annual Health Ministry Program for Women, Philadelphia, PA, October 2003 & 2002
Pluralism in the United States: Understanding Diversity through Identity, Presentation for American Council on Education Educating All of One Nation Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2003
The State of Black America, Guest Panelist Tavis Smiley’s Black American Web, Black Think Tank, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, June 2003
Black Men and Fatherhood, Paper Presented for National Fatherhood Conference Department of Human Services, Philadelphia, PA, June 2003
Racism: Myth or Reality? Invited panelist, Franklin Institute Symposium on Race, Philadelphia, PA, May 2003
Growing Up Different, Presentation of Lorene Cary’s Black Ice, Department of Education’s Honors Colloquium, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA, April 2003
Silent Voices & Invisible People: African American Single Fathers Reflect on Parenthood, Paper presented at Midwestern Sociological Conference, Chicago, IL, March 2003
Male, Men, or Mannequin: The Development of African American Manhood, Paper presented at Black Male Development Symposium, Columbus, OH, March 2003
Don’t Touch That Dial: The Impact of the Media on African American Adolescent Girls, Presentation for Eli Lilly & Keystone Mercy Health Plan’s Health Ministry Program for Women, Philadelphia, PA, October 2002
Utilizing African folk tales & proverbs in the development of African-centered curriculum, Imhotep Charter High School staff training University of Ghana, Accra City Campus, August 2002
Developed & Presented the Afrocentric Institute for Social Change and Community Development, for the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, May 2003 (Santa Fe, NM), 2001 (New Orleans, LA), 2000 (Seattle, WA)
GEAR UP: Preparation for College, Paper presented at NABSE (National Alliance of Black School Educators) Youth Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, November 2000
Innovative ways to motivate and prepare youth for college, Paper presented for College Board’s 2000 National Forum, New York, NY, November 2000
Cross-cutting competencies for after school programs, Presentation and training for 21st Century Learning Communities 2000 Summer Institute, Arlington, VA, July 2000
From Mammy to Miss America: The Images of African American Women in the Media, Keynote speaker Women’s History Month, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA, March 2000
Building Afrikan-Centered Educational Institutions for the 21st Century, Presentation at the Cultural Connection Academy, Memphis, TN, June 1999
Culture & Diversity: Techniques for Bridging the Gap, Conducted Mentor Training Sessions for Philadelphia Futures, Philadelphia, PA, October 1998
Valuing Diversity, Conducted Staff Training for Court Reporting Institute, Educational Programs for Career Development, Philadelphia, PA, July 1998
Through Their Eyes: African American Fathers Reflect on Fatherhood. Paper presented at Phi Theta Kappa Week at the Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, September 1997
Mothers and Daughters: Our First Sisterfriend Relationship. Presentation for African American Women on Tour Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 1997
Developing S.M.A.R.T. Goals and Career Strategies, workshop presented to New Choices Program, University City High School, Philadelphia, PA, April 1996
African Womanism and Feminism; Partners or Rivals, Women’s History Month keynote speaker Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AK, March 1996
Black History More Than Just A Month, Keynote Black History Month Strawberry Mansion High School, Philadelphia, PA, February 1996
In the Spirit of Sisterhood, Keynote speaker, Shippensburg University Annual Women of Color Conference, Shippensburg, PA, April 1995
Developing Cultural Strategies for Teaching Students of Color, presentation for Philadelphia School Teachers for the Beaver College Urban School Project, Glenside, PA, August 1994
New and Emerging Careers for the 90’s, Presentation for Temple University’s Community Outreach Program for Middle School Students, Philadelphia, PA, May 1994
Creative Force and Designing Power of Nommo in the Development of Images of African American Women in Popular Culture and the Media, Paper Presented at Capital University, Columbus, OH, March 1994
An Historical Look at the African-American from Egypt to the Civil Rights Era, Presentation for the American Language Academy, Beaver College, Glenside, PA, September 1993
African American Images in the Media: Mammie and Uncle Tom; Alive and Well in Prime Time, Paper presented at University of Pennsylvania, Drexel and Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, October – December 1993
Media as a Tool of Cultural Distortion, Presentation at the Regional Conference of the National Association of Black Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, August 1993
An Afrocentric Analysis of Single African American Parents: Matriarch or Messiahs? Paper presented with Dr. Miriam Monges at the Association of Black Social Workers National Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1993
Black and Blue: Using ‘STRAIGHT TALK’ TO Heal Tensions Between African Americans and Jews, Paper presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education, New Orleans, LA, May 1993
Discussion of Women, Race & Class: Through the Political Looking Glass of Angela Davis, Paper Presented at Temple University Department of African American Studies Graduate Colloquium, May 1993
Sisters in Dialogue: Empowerment Strategies for Gay and Straight Women of Color, Paper presented at Temple University Women’s Studies Department, Philadelphia, PA, March 1993
Utilizing the Principles of the Nguzo Saba as an African Value System, Paper presented at Temple University’s Multicultural Institute and School of Social Work, Philadelphia, PA. February 1993, 1992
An Examination of Africanisms in the Personality Traits of African American Single Fathers: Utilizing Kambon’s Model of African Personality and the Principle of the African Self-Extension Orientation (AESO) Paper presented at Temple University Department of African American Studies Graduate Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA, April 1992
Received Education Award and honored by the Black Women’s Educational Alliance (BWEA) of Montgomery County as the 2013 Montgomery County Trailblazer.
Global Faculty Development Workshop, Center for U.S, and Hemispheric Studies, University of Havana, Cuba – June, 2012 (Faculty Development Award)
2012 Charles Henry Chapman, given by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s Zeta-Omicron Lambda Chapter, May 2012
Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, Arcadia University, 2010
Cultural Ally Award, Arcadia University, 2009
Outstanding Citizen Award, Presented by the American Legion, Henry Hill Post 385, January 2009
Community Service Award, Presented by the 7th Senatorial District, February 2008
Certificate of Congratulations, 4th Senatorial District, June, 2006
Temple University Pan-African Studies Community Education Program Community Service Award for the Development of the Black Male Development Symposium, March 2005
Invited feature speaker for Black Speakers Online & Speakers Etcetera, March 2005 – Present
Washington Center for Best Practices, Senior Fellow Appointment, October 2004
Curriculum Development Award ($1,000), summer video course Eyes on the Prize, Arcadia University, June 1999
Curriculum Development Award ($1,000), summer video course Dealing with Diversity, Arcadia University, Glenside, Pennsylvania, June 1999
Recipient of the Million Women March Achievement Award, 1997
Faculty Development Fund Grant for Ethnographic Research of African American Single Fathers, Arcadia University (formerly Beaver College), 1995
Recipient, PA Black Conference on Higher Education Regional Award for Outstanding Service, Commitment and Dedication to Eastern Region, 1994
Recipient, Gold Star Wives and Mothers Honoree, Viet Nam Women’s Memorial Project, Washington, DC, 1989
Papers & Presentations:
Town Hall Discussion hosted by the Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, “Hands Up! Don’t Shoot! – A Town Hall Discussion on Crime, Community and Camaraderie." September, 2014
Going Beyond the Tower, Real work, Real Partnership, Real Collaboration; 2nd Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference, October 2014
Women’s Veteran Forum, “She Wore her Boots With Pride”, Temple University, Panel presentation, The Transition Blues, April 2012
Featured speaker on Fox 29 Race in America Segments; November 2010 & March 2012
College Board A Dream Deferred: The Future of African American Education, April, 2011
REACH Black Leadership Summit, Keynote panel speaker, Engaged Black Leadership in 2012: Organization and Empowerment, Temple University, January, 2012
Teaching Social Workers the Art of Active Listening, SCOH Symposium, January 2007, Temple University.
The Legacy of Black fatherhood, Celebrating Black Fathers Conference, November 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
The Changing Faces of Leadership and the Quest for Excellence, The State of Black Men in America Conference, March 2006, Princeton University.
Black College Students versus Culturally Diverse Students: Afrocentric and Multicultural Perspectives, Cheik Anta Diop Conference, October 2006, Philadelphia, PA.
Hip-Hop as a political and cultural tool of Black liberation, The Thurgood Marshall Speaker Series, Freedom Theater, & WURD Radio, November, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.
Racism and Katrina, WHAT Radio, Philadelphia, PA., December 2005
Social Consciousness and Teaching Toward Action, Congresso of Philadelphia, PA, May 2005
The “Scaffolding” Method of Evaluation: How to move the building/ organization—not just the program, Presentation for Pennsylvania Centers for Schools and Communities, Statewide 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Director’s Training, Harrisburg, PA, April 2005
Endangered or Lost: African American Males in Today’s Society, Urban Cable Television Network, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005
One Size Does Not Fit All, Director’s Panel, Tri-State Consortium Opportunity Programs Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005
Words of Mass Destruction (WMD): African American Males and Rap, WDAS Radio, Philadelphia, March 2005
The Rebirth of the African American Intellectual, WURD Radio, Philadelphia, PA, February 2005
African American Males and Testing, WHAT, Radio, Philadelphia, PA, January 2005
Connecting the Dots of Evaluation and Planning, Presentation for Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center & US Department of Labor Employment & Training High-Growth Job Training Initiative, Philadelphia, PA, October 2004
Scary Children, WYBE Television, Philadelphia, PA, September 2004
Race and Education in America, Guest panelist Worlds Apart television program, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, August 2004
Graduate Career Seminar, Keynote Speaker, Peirce College, Philadelphia, PA, May 2004
Creating an Environment for Academic Success: Learning Differences & Campus Diversity, Keynote Panelist, Pennsylvania/New Jersey College Reading and Learning Association, Burlington, NJ, April 2004
Connecting the Dots of Higher Education for Families of the New Millennium, Keynote Speaker Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Human Relations Conference, Cabrini College, Radnor, PA, April 2004
How to Raise Psychologically Healthy African American Children in a Racist Society, WYBE, Philadelphia, PA, February 2004
Developed Young Sistas Talking About Health and Stress Conference for Eli Lilly and Keystone Mercy’s Annual Health Ministry Program for Women, Philadelphia, PA, October 2003 & 2002
Pluralism in the United States: Understanding Diversity through Identity, Presentation for American Council on Education Educating All of One Nation Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2003
The State of Black America, Guest Panelist Tavis Smiley’s Black American Web, Black Think Tank, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, June 2003
Black Men and Fatherhood, Paper Presented for National Fatherhood Conference Department of Human Services, Philadelphia, PA, June 2003
Racism: Myth or Reality? Invited panelist, Franklin Institute Symposium on Race, Philadelphia, PA, May 2003
Growing Up Different, Presentation of Lorene Cary’s Black Ice, Department of Education’s Honors Colloquium, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA, April 2003
Silent Voices & Invisible People: African American Single Fathers Reflect on Parenthood, Paper presented at Midwestern Sociological Conference, Chicago, IL, March 2003
Male, Men, or Mannequin: The Development of African American Manhood, Paper presented at Black Male Development Symposium, Columbus, OH, March 2003
Don’t Touch That Dial: The Impact of the Media on African American Adolescent Girls, Presentation for Eli Lilly & Keystone Mercy Health Plan’s Health Ministry Program for Women, Philadelphia, PA, October 2002
Utilizing African folk tales & proverbs in the development of African-centered curriculum, Imhotep Charter High School staff training University of Ghana, Accra City Campus, August 2002
Developed & Presented the Afrocentric Institute for Social Change and Community Development, for the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, May 2003 (Santa Fe, NM), 2001 (New Orleans, LA), 2000 (Seattle, WA)
GEAR UP: Preparation for College, Paper presented at NABSE (National Alliance of Black School Educators) Youth Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, November 2000
Innovative ways to motivate and prepare youth for college, Paper presented for College Board’s 2000 National Forum, New York, NY, November 2000
Cross-cutting competencies for after school programs, Presentation and training for 21st Century Learning Communities 2000 Summer Institute, Arlington, VA, July 2000
From Mammy to Miss America: The Images of African American Women in the Media, Keynote speaker Women’s History Month, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA, March 2000
Building Afrikan-Centered Educational Institutions for the 21st Century, Presentation at the Cultural Connection Academy, Memphis, TN, June 1999
Culture & Diversity: Techniques for Bridging the Gap, Conducted Mentor Training Sessions for Philadelphia Futures, Philadelphia, PA, October 1998
Valuing Diversity, Conducted Staff Training for Court Reporting Institute, Educational Programs for Career Development, Philadelphia, PA, July 1998
Through Their Eyes: African American Fathers Reflect on Fatherhood. Paper presented at Phi Theta Kappa Week at the Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, September 1997
Mothers and Daughters: Our First Sisterfriend Relationship. Presentation for African American Women on Tour Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 1997
Developing S.M.A.R.T. Goals and Career Strategies, workshop presented to New Choices Program, University City High School, Philadelphia, PA, April 1996
African Womanism and Feminism; Partners or Rivals, Women’s History Month keynote speaker Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AK, March 1996
Black History More Than Just A Month, Keynote Black History Month Strawberry Mansion High School, Philadelphia, PA, February 1996
In the Spirit of Sisterhood, Keynote speaker, Shippensburg University Annual Women of Color Conference, Shippensburg, PA, April 1995
Developing Cultural Strategies for Teaching Students of Color, presentation for Philadelphia School Teachers for the Beaver College Urban School Project, Glenside, PA, August 1994
New and Emerging Careers for the 90’s, Presentation for Temple University’s Community Outreach Program for Middle School Students, Philadelphia, PA, May 1994
Creative Force and Designing Power of Nommo in the Development of Images of African American Women in Popular Culture and the Media, Paper Presented at Capital University, Columbus, OH, March 1994
An Historical Look at the African-American from Egypt to the Civil Rights Era, Presentation for the American Language Academy, Beaver College, Glenside, PA, September 1993
African American Images in the Media: Mammie and Uncle Tom; Alive and Well in Prime Time, Paper presented at University of Pennsylvania, Drexel and Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, October – December 1993
Media as a Tool of Cultural Distortion, Presentation at the Regional Conference of the National Association of Black Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, August 1993
An Afrocentric Analysis of Single African American Parents: Matriarch or Messiahs? Paper presented with Dr. Miriam Monges at the Association of Black Social Workers National Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1993
Black and Blue: Using ‘STRAIGHT TALK’ TO Heal Tensions Between African Americans and Jews, Paper presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education, New Orleans, LA, May 1993
Discussion of Women, Race & Class: Through the Political Looking Glass of Angela Davis, Paper Presented at Temple University Department of African American Studies Graduate Colloquium, May 1993
Sisters in Dialogue: Empowerment Strategies for Gay and Straight Women of Color, Paper presented at Temple University Women’s Studies Department, Philadelphia, PA, March 1993
Utilizing the Principles of the Nguzo Saba as an African Value System, Paper presented at Temple University’s Multicultural Institute and School of Social Work, Philadelphia, PA. February 1993, 1992
An Examination of Africanisms in the Personality Traits of African American Single Fathers: Utilizing Kambon’s Model of African Personality and the Principle of the African Self-Extension Orientation (AESO) Paper presented at Temple University Department of African American Studies Graduate Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA, April 1992
Media Mentions
- Philadelphia Recognizes Work of Arcadia, Black Male Development Symposium
- Dr. Loury Speaks About Letters to Trayvon Event
- Father of Trayvon Martin Speaks to 300 for Letters to Trayvon Event
- Dr. Loury Examines Role of Higher Education in African American Communities
- Dr. Loury Recognized Honored for Community Involvement by Youth Coalition
- Dr. Loury Appointed to National Conference on Race and Ethnicity
- Philadelphia Mayor’s Office Honors Black Male Development Symposium Leaders
- Black Male Development Symposium at Arcadia Explores How to Build Stronger Communities, May 13
- Dr. Loury Speaks, Blount ’15 Recognized at Black CAPs Celebration
- Arcadia Hosts Association of Black Women in Higher Education on June 2
- ABWHE 10th Annual National Conference Brings “Sister Power 2017” to Philadelphia
- Explore Phobias During Fright Week, Oct. 16-19
- Dr. Loury Receives African American Women in Higher Education Award
- Arcadia Community Unites to “Break the Silence” on Racism
- Dr. Loury Named 2018 Local Sheroe By WDAS-FM
- Dr. Loury Featured by ‘Philadelphia Tribune’ as Sheroe
- Dr. Loury Nominated for “Black History in the Making” Award, Appointed to Philadelphia Defenders Association Board
- Arcadia Looks to “What’s Next?” for Fourth Annual Tedx Event April 14
- Dr. Loury Speaks at Temple’s Veterans Day Event, Interview for City of Philadelphia Spotlight Series
- Dr. Loury Appointed to Philadelphia Commission for Women, to Advocate for Veterans
- Gonzalez ’06 Builds Intersectional LGBTQ+ Community
- LOVE Pilot Program Hosts First Teach-In
- Arcadia Celebrates Black History Month
- Dr. Loury Discusses the Fight for Racial and Social Justice
- Arcadia Launches the Center for Anti-Racist Scholarship, Advocacy, and Action (CASAA)
- Part II of our CASAA Q&A: Opportunities for Community Members, CASAA’s Key Initiatives
- Faculty and Staff Celebrated at 2022 Years of Service Luncheon
- Drs. Parsons Dick, Loury Featured in “Standing Against Hate” Webinar
- Black Excellence at Arcadia Celebrated on April 10