- Education
Temple University
Juris DoctorLa Salle University
Bachelor of Arts
Larry Atkins is a journalist, a lawyer, a columnist, and a university journalism professor. He is the author of "Skewed: A Critical Thinker's Guide to Media Bias" (Prometheus Books). He has written over 500 articles, Op-Eds, and essays for many publications, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Baltimore Sun, B’nai B’rith International Jewish Monthly, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Counterpunch.org, Dallas Morning News, Detroit News, Harrisburg Patriot-News, Hartford Courant, Huffington Post, Indianapolis Star, Jewish Exponent, Kansas City Star, Los Angeles Daily News, Metro Newspapers, Morning Consult, NCAA News, National Public Radio (commentaries for Morning Edition and Only a Game), Newark Star-Ledger, Newsday, Newsweek, Newsworks.org (WHYY), New York Daily News, Online Journalism Review, Orange County Register, OpEdNews.com, Pennsylvania Magazine, Philadelphia City Paper, Philadelphia Daily News, Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday Magazine, Philadelphia Magazine, Philadelphia Weekly, Progressive Magazine, Quill Magazine (SPJ), San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle Times, Street & Smith Sports Business Daily, SuperLawyers Magazine, The Hill, Tikkun Magazine, Times-Chronicle, US Catholic Magazine, Washington Post, The Writer Magazine, and Z Magazine. He is a frequent contributor to the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Commentary Page, as he has written over 75 Op-Eds since 1993. He is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and the Authors Guild. He wrote a Chapter on Op-Eds for The ASJA Guide to Freelance Writing (St. Martin's Press), and he is author of "Larry the Liberal Lawyer Lashes Out", a best of collection of his Op-Eds. Among the topics he writes about are Journalism, Education, Media Issues, Politics, Law, Technology, Current Events, and Social and Ethical Issues in Sports. His website is www.professorlarry.com .
He teaches Journalism I and II, Opinion Writing, and Social and Ethical Issues in Sports at Arcadia.
Media Mentions
- Atkins Assesses State of Biased Media in New Book
- Inquirer Heralds Atkins’s ‘Skewed’ as Timely for Current News Climate
- Atkins Pens Op-Ed on Free Speech
- Atkins’ Skewed Recognized as Top Summer Read
- Atkins Publishes Op-Eds on Pandemic and Social Justice
- Atkins Publishes About the Importance of On-Campus Learning
- Atkins Explores Ethical and Social Issues in Sports in New Book