Room 108 on Monday at 4 p.m.
Once upon a time, there was a student named Ethan. He studied Media and Communication and wanted experience working under a publication. His advisor, Michael Dwyer, encouraged him to join the publication practicum class: Loco Mag. So, as an oblivious but intrigued Freshman, he agreed. Within the second semester of that first year, he was sitting in room 108, eagerly waiting for the cool seniors to start speaking.
This was me, four years ago now. I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I wanted nothing more than to be part of this cool magazine and contribute alongside the unique collective of people on staff.
At the time, Loco Mag was run by Danita Mapes and Ryan Hiemenz.
Danita was writing savvy and showcased her writing skills through tutorials and demonstrations that she created herself. She was incredibly helpful throughout the editorial process and had an incredible sense of style.
Ryan was smart and funny, he was supportive and eager to help. You could tell he cared about the Mag. He also ran an amazing column while balancing his responsibilities with Danita.
I thought they were the coolest seniors ever, and running a magazine sounded beyond awesome. I thought about what it would be like, but I was also just happy to be there. I figured it would be an honor to be in such a position, so I thought if I could make myself a decent staff member, maybe I could at least make it onto the executive board somehow.
I contributed to the magazine, and I’ve been on every committee at least once. At Loco Mag, we have a social media team, events team, and copyediting team. However, that wasn’t always the case. When I started, there was a print team, a social media team, and an A/V team. The magazine teams have shifted over time, to accommodate the fluctuating needs and capabilities of the staff. Though, for the most part, we seem to always keep the 3 team structure. But who knows, it might look a little different by the time the next guy gets there. That’s the beauty of it.
As someone pursuing a career in journalism and media production, I’ve always kept my hands on projects throughout my time at Arcadia. Working with PBS Newshour, WHYY, and other publications and outlets. There were even times when these projects got in the way of my attendance in class. Sometimes I’d have to skip because I got invited to a film shoot.
Nevertheless, I always came back to Loco Mag. Sure it gave me experience working for a magazine, but the community this publication builds is something that’s felt by everyone who enters the room at Loco Mag. It was more than gaining experience, it was something that made going to Arcadia special.
Eventually, Danita and Ryan graduated. The next Co-Editor-in-Chiefs were named Jewel Miller and Jake Horan.
Jewel was really kind, and smart and contributed so much to the magazine. She took her job seriously and navigated it with compassion and transparency. She taught me to be a better writer and challenged me to be a better executive for the Mag. She never knew it, but impressing her was something I strived to do. It was only because I recognized how impressive she was as an individual.
Jake was chill and fun. He always tried to be helpful and was always approachable when you needed something. At the time, he was also the social media manager. Since I never truly thought that being Co-EIC was an option, I thought becoming the social media manager sounded super cool. It also worked out that I happened to be on this committee at the time as well, so I tried hard to showcase my graphic design skills the best I could.
As I reflect on the past of the Mag, I find myself rummaging through a lot of feelings. It’s a privilege to take this class, and I cannot describe a better place to be on a Monday evening between the hours of 4-5:30 p.m.
Currently, I serve as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Loco Mag, alongside my honorable colleague Allison Schmidt. Alongside that, I serve as acting social media manager as well. Isn’t it crazy that I was able to achieve everything I wanted to?
As a senior, life picks up, things get harder and there are a lot of things that need your attention. It’s hard, but you manage. Regardless of the responsibilities I have, I still look forward to attending Loco Mag. Sometimes, the energy in the air of that classroom revives me a little. Though if I’m being honest, at my core I’m still that oblivious Freshman waiting for the cool seniors to speak. Somehow I looked around one day, and I was sitting where Danita and Ryan sat.
I’m grateful for all of the Co-EICs that have inspired me to get to this point, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to hold the baton for a year. Soon, I’ll graduate and have the privilege to pass the baton to someone else. If you’re ever lucky enough to study Media and Communication at Arcadia University, and you run into Michael Dwyer, ask him about Loco Mag.