Balancing Midterms and Spring Break: A Guide to Staying on Track
As midterms approach and spring break looms just around the corner, many students find themselves caught in a whirlwind of stress and excitement. The pressure of exams, papers, and projects can feel overwhelming, but the promise of a well-deserved break is just enough to keep us pushing through. If you’re feeling the weight of midterms while daydreaming about your spring break plans, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this hectic time, manage stress, and stay academically prepared, even while enjoying your time off.
1. Tackling Midterms with Confidence
Midterms can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can set yourself up for success. These are a few strategies I use to stay on top of my classes:
Plan Ahead: Use a planner or an online calendar to map out your exam dates, paper deadlines, and study sessions. Spreading out your workload over several days will prevent last-minute cramming and ease your stress.
Prioritize Self-Care: Studying is important, but so is your well-being. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and take breaks to avoid burnout. Some time outside or trying a relaxing activity can do wonders for your focus and mental health.
Use Campus Resources: Don’t hesitate to visit tutoring centers (Learning Resource Network, Writing Center), professors’ office hours, or academic workshops for extra support. Professors and TAs are there to help you!
2. Unwinding After Midterms
Once your last exam is over, it’s time to breathe! Give yourself some much-needed rest before diving into spring break. Here are a few ways to de-stress after midterms:
Catch Up on Sleep: Pulling all-nighters isn’t sustainable. Use your break to reset your sleep schedule and feel refreshed.
Treat Yourself: Whether it’s a nice meal, a movie night, or a shopping spree, reward yourself for all your hard work! There are a lot of cute and inexpensive places right in Glenside too, some of my favorites are Humpty’s Dumplings, El Limon, and Jasmine Asian Bistro.
3. Spring Break Plans
Spring break is the perfect opportunity to recharge; whether you are simply going home to enjoy time with family or heading off on a new adventure this is a time for you. I spoke to some students who are getting ready for new and exciting trips this spring break:
Mary McConnell is a first-year English Literature student, who previously took a gap year. Over spring break she will be visiting Paris with her class Preview class “Paris: A City of Insiders and Outsiders.” “I think I’m most looking forward to seeing Shakespeare & Company. Generally speaking, though, I’m just happy to immerse myself in Parisian culture,” she said. Sometimes there is still work to be done over a break in college. “I have a presentation that I’ll be working on for this class! I’m positive I’ll have homework from other classes, but the trip in and of itself is rooted in education, so I doubt I’ll be sleeping much,” said McConnell. I was curious if this was her first time visiting the city too, “I have not been to Paris before, it’s been a lifelong dream of mine so I’m absolutely elated!”
Benjamin Lashbrook is a third-year History major currently studying abroad in London. For spring break he is going to Budapest and Rome with a friend. “This is absolutely a true vacation for me, I’m not doing a lick of schoolwork. I don’t know when I’m going to get another chance to be there, and I don’t want to waste it doing any work,” said Lashbrook. He expressed that he is most excited to see the Roman Colosseum. “It’s an entirely new adventure! I chose to go to Rome because of the amount of history there, and as a History major, I love Rome! Budapest has a lot of history as well, and is a cheap location to vacation to.”
Midterms and spring break don’t have to be stressful opposites, you can navigate both with preparation and balance. By managing your time effectively, taking care of your well-being, and staying just a little bit academically engaged during the break, you’ll set yourself up for a smoother transition back to campus life. Whether you’re heading to a tropical destination, visiting family, or just relaxing at home, make the most of your spring break while keeping future you in mind!