How to Build the Perfect Schedule
Now that I’m a second-semester first-year, I have been able to experience and learn about creating a schedule that fits the type of person you are, so I would like to share the tips I learned about creating a schedule for you. Please remember that we all have different types of personality traits so the same type of schedule that works for your friend or roommate may not work for you, and that’s completely okay! You must be able to make a schedule that caters to you and the person you are becoming.
First, I believe it’s extremely important to discuss your overall schedule and ideas with your academic advisor. An academic advisor is a professor in your academic department who has been assigned to you. You should be communicating with your advisor throughout the semester but once you get to creating your next semester schedule it’s very important to speak to them. This advisor will be able to help you greatly when it comes to taking classes that will help you advance and get closer to your overall goal of earning your degree. I am currently a double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice so when I was making my schedule I reached out to both of my advisors and was able to get a general idea of what each department wanted me to take. By doing this I was able to take classes for both of my majors which ensured that I wouldn’t fall behind with either major. I was also able to see if I had any free space in my schedule. This was very important for me because I am a double major so my schedule gets full very quickly. But, I was able to have a bit of free time in my schedule, so I was able to add an art class that could allow me to think more creatively.

Another helpful tip I have when it comes to creating a schedule is to know if you’re a morning or night person. This may not seem important to you but trust me, it is. My first semester in college I was enrolled in an 8:30 a.m. class and this class was extremely challenging for me. I actually enjoyed the class greatly, but I struggled with waking up on time for class each time. I consider myself a night person so when it came to picking class this semester I chose to take a 9:45 a.m. class and a 10:20 a.m. class. This was very helpful because I am usually able to get enough sleep for my day. However, my friend is a morning person so she chose to take all morning classes which fit her schedule and personality a lot better.
My last tip when it comes to creating the perfect schedule for you is to make sure you understand the criteria and demands for each class. Some classes expect a lot more out of you compared to other classes so it becomes extremely critical to know what classes you’re taking, what the workload will be, and how it will affect you in the long run. Determining the perfect schedule can be challenging but I believe with these helpful tips you can create the schedule perfect for you.