Linking to Employers Through Handshake
Searching for jobs as a college student can be challenging on multiple fronts. General labor jobs tend to be easier to attain, but they may not work with your already busy class schedule, let alone downtime. Besides, what if you want to do something more in line with your desired career?
Most of those jobs require a degree, skills, and experience you may not have yet. It’s common for students to get stuck between job options that are academically beneath them and those they don’t quite qualify for. Fortunately, Handshake was created as a way out of this limbo.
The Handshake website and app make the struggle to find work as a student much easier. It is the leading career community for undergraduates and graduates. Unlike other jobs sites, Handshake actively updates jobs relevant to students’ majors and interests. Pulling from your application history with this site, recommendations range from internships and full-time jobs, to experiential learning and volunteering. You can find opportunities related to specific majors, that include travel, and in cities with the best nightlife.
Handshake offers ways to communicate with alumni about professions you want to pursue. Meeting an employer’s general preferences and qualifications is key to landing an interview and job offer. However, it’s truly gratifying when an employer also meets the general preferences of the job seeker. Handshake’s filter options provide this and more. The Employer Preference filter displays jobs you most likely qualify for by taking your major, school year, graduation date, and GPA into account.
Need more than credits and experience? Check the Paid Roles Only box. You can also search by industry, job function, and major. It even works with various work authorization statuses.
Handshake is also a hub for career events on and offline. Webinars and virtual career fairs are common. A list of employer attendants are provided with each job fair, so you are better informed before deciding whether or not it is right for you. You can register for career events and interviews near you and on campus.
Arcadia students are automatically linked to a personal Handshake account through the MyArcadia login. Current students and graduates can message each other in the Explore Students tab.
Not sure where to start? Contact Arcadia’s Career Education for setup and career advice:
Career Education
Knight Hall, Suite 100
Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.